Orlando-Sanford Airport becomes 19th to Opt-out for Private Screeners

Well, it looks like the TSA has finally “allowed” the Orlando-Sanford International Airport to divest itself of federally-employed screeners, after a struggle that took more than 5 years and was infamously denied by the TSA back in 2011. Here’s what our government had to say: “The screening partnership program enables TSA to partner with qualified…

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Airports that have Opted Out of using TSA

These are the airports that have “opted out” of the use of the TSA for airport screening: San Francisco International (SFO), CA – 1183 aircraft operations/day Greater Rochester International (ROC), NY – 377 aircraft operations/day Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport (STS), CA – 350 aircraft operations/day Kansas City International (MCI), Missouri – 346 aircraft operations/day…

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Ron Paul makes the Case for closing down DHS

Ron Paul posted an article on March 2, 2015 , “Department of Homeland Security: What is it Good For?” http://www.campaignforliberty.org/department-homeland-security-good Obviously, he makes a good case for moving the constitutional duties of the Dept of Homeland Security to other agencies and then shutting it down for good.  Here’s what he says specifically about the TSA (emphasis…

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